Best Drug Rehab Treatment Centers in Charleston, SC

Use this directory to locate a drug rehab in Charleston SC so that you can take the first step toward recovery. Treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism at a Drug Rehab in Charleston SC may look at how the addict developed their addictive habit and how to understand the aspects of what happens to the body with continued exposure to these addictive substances. It is never too late to join a recovery program at a reputable Drug Rehab Charleston in SC. The benefits the addict will find with substance abuse treatment includes learning new values or going back to those positive behaviors before the addiction first started. A variety of medical and holistic recovery programs may also be available at these recovery facilities together with recreational activities to help the patient start a healthier lifestyle.

When the person is ready to begin treatment, he or she will take an assessment that will help create a personalized treatment plan. The individual in recovery and his or her family should consider the following when looking for a Drug Rehab in Charleston SC:

  • What types of treatment options are available? These may include inpatient, outpatient, and behavioral therapy.
  • What happens if the person loses motivation to continue in treatment? How is this handled?
  • How is the family involved in recovery?
  • What types of additional services are available? These include helping with other mental disorders in addition to the addiction.
  • What is the group of professionals' experience level in dealing with your type of addiction?
  • How is the addict treated after the recovery is completed? Which strategies are used to avoid a relapse?

Many alcoholics don't consider themselves to be addicts or in the same category as someone who is addicted to drugs. Although the type of substance used varies, both can produce similar effects which may include hallucinations, a euphoric state followed by a crash, feeling infallible which may cause dangerous behavior, extreme irritability, long periods of insomnia, and memory loss.

Alcohol and drug addiction follow similar paths and have the same negative effects on the addict's health and well-being. The purpose of the rehabilitation program should include a successful detoxification, cognitive and behavioral therapy, family therapy, and an aftercare program to keep the individual from starting to use again. Call (877) 804-1531 for the help you need in finding a drug rehab facility that meets all of your needs.

The facility's mission should undertake an understanding of how addiction can lead to a chronic and progressive negative mood or behavior leading the addict to unhealthy activities. Patients learn new behaviors and activities to replace those harmful behaviors through encouragement and positive reinforcements to keep the addict focused on quitting and staying clean long after the rehabilitation is completed.

Once you are determined you want to try rehab and succeed in treatment, your recovery steps will include some or all of the following phases:

  • Detoxification – cleansing your system from the residuals of any addictive substances.
  • Case Management – your individual needs will be addressed, including family involvement and any legal aspects as a result of your addiction; such as a DUI or dealing with illicit drugs.
  • Behavioral Therapy – learning new behaviors.
  • Health Issues as a result of drug use.
  • Ongoing Care – how you will manage once you leave drug rehab and detox.

The duration of your drug detox and rehab will depend on how you manage through each step of your recovery.

Rehab is a Phone Call Away (877) 804-1531

Drug Rehab Facilities in Charleston

About Charleston, SC

Charleston, South Carolina is situated in the same county as its name. Metropolitan statistics extend the geographical area to include Berkeley and Dorchester Counties as well as Charleston County. This southern city is known for its blend of southern style cooking with a French and West African flare. The Southern dialect or draw you'll hear quickly reminds you of the rich history of Charleston during the Civil War when Charleston was not part of the Union any longer, reminding residents of the loyalty to the south. To find out more about your treatment options call today at (877) 804-1531.

You'll come to Charleston for the Southern charm and stay for the amazing weather with mild winters and warm to hot summers which are celebrated with festivals, art shows, historical sites and several sports teams including soccer, minor league baseball, and rugby. A dozen parks and golf courses are only a few miles from the Atlantic Coast.

Charleston Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

If you are living with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the best way to manage it is with help from an addiction rehab center. Charleston is home to many addiction treatment centers that provide evidence-based therapies, alternative treatments, and holistic features that can get individuals started on the recovery journey. Addiction affects people of all ages and walks of life. If you are among them and are suffering from an addiction to an illicit drug, prescription drug, or alcohol, you should take advantage of the access you have to quality drug treatment in Charleston.

Often, addiction sufferers don't realize that they are, indeed, suffering from a disease. This condition involves psychological, behavioral, and physical dependencies--all governed by a sense of compulsion. Without treatment, this chronic condition is likely to progress, to deepen, and to negatively affect the individual's physical and mental health in serious, even life-threatening ways. Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Charleston SC are designed to target all aspects of the disease so that it can be effectively managed.

Addiction Overview

Millions of people are addicted to drugs or alcohol. The medical community regards substance addiction as a chronic relapsing brain condition. This condition cannot be cured, but with abstinence, it can be managed. People with this condition will continue to use/abuse the substance they are addicted to in spite of its negative consequences for their lives and health. By obtaining drug treatment in Charleston, addiction sufferers can learn to manage their condition and stop addiction from progressing to the point that their health deteriorates.

Drug Rehab in Charleston SC

There are many high-quality addiction rehabs in Charleston. While no two centers are completely alike, most offer treatment plans that have the potential to support a full recovery. When you look for an alcohol and drug rehab in Charleston, it's essential to choose a facility that is licensed and staffed by professional addiction specialists and healthcare providers. Many therapists train to become addiction specialists. Addiction medicine is a growing medical field. As you search for a Charleston drug treatment center, you can expect to find the following:

Short-Term Inpatient Treatment Facilities: Many addiction treatment centers offer short-term treatment programs that last from fifteen days to six weeks. Their program models are often highly structured to include medical detox and counseling. Short-term programs may not be enough treatment for many individuals, but they provide an excellent start. Often, people will transition from inpatient treatment to outpatient treatment that they can continue as needed.

Long-Term Inpatient Care: Some facilities are designed to treat individuals on a long-term basis with stays up to one year. People who have struggled with alcoholism or drug addiction for many years may find that long-term treatment within an inpatient setting is the best solution for disease management.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment: People suffering from addiction may begin their treatment at an outpatient treatment center or they may transition from inpatient rehab to the outpatient model. Outpatient treatment plans may not be ideal for people who are at high risk for relapse. On the other hand, many individuals find them to be beneficial as they allow them to continue to work, attend school, or maintain their family obligations.

What Treatment Paradigm Should I Choose?

If you aren't sure if inpatient or outpatient treatment is right for you, consult your healthcare provider. You can also discuss your questions and concerns with an addiction specialist at a Charleston rehab. The more you learn about your condition and understand the treatment options available, the easier it will be to select a Drug Rehab in Charleston SC and treatment plan.

What Happens When I Enter Rehab in Charleston?

Usually, the part of a rehab experience is an evaluation. Healthcare providers need to know what drugs are in your system. They typically require a blood or urine sample. They may ask questions that feel invasive, but they need to know as much about your health and addiction as possible in order to recommend a treatment plan that's tailored specifically to your needs. During an assessment, healthcare providers can also discuss any other health conditions you might be suffering from and that need to be addressed during treatment.

Medical Detox

After your evaluation, medical detox is the likely next step in the treatment process. Medical detox involves the careful weaning of the addictive substance. Drug and alcohol treatment in Charleston invariably involves medical detox. This treatment addresses the physical dependency that the individual has on alcohol or a drug. It may last for three days or even three weeks depending on the person's chemistry and the severity of their addiction. A center that offers Drug Rehab in Charleston SC can assist you in making a full recovery from addiction.

Although detox is essential for addressing the physical aspect of substance addiction, it does not address the other powerful aspects of the condition. If the psychological and behavioral aspects of the addiction are not dealt with effectively, relapse is highly likely. Getting "clean" in medical detox is only the beginning of therapy; it cannot be its conclusion of effective disease management does not occur.

It's important to note that people should not attempt to detox at home. Withdrawal symptoms may prove to be so severe that they could trigger a serious health emergency. Within the rehab setting, healthcare providers can offer treatments that will reduce the severity of these symptoms before they can trigger any problems like heart irregularities or seizures. Medical detox is a safe process when conducted in a medical setting.             

Types of Counseling

There are various types of counseling models that therapists can employ. Counseling targets the mental and behavioral components of addiction. It does not address the physical aspect, which is dealt with in medical detox. Types of counseling typically on offer at drug treatment centers in Charleston include:

Individual Counseling: Meeting one-on-one with a counselor is an ideal way to work through the issues surrounding one's abuse of drugs or alcohol. During individual counseling sessions, therapists work with individuals to help them develop strategies for coping with their triggers--those things that compelled them to abuse drugs or alcohol--and for preventing relapse from occurring. They may discuss how to quell and cope with negative emotions, why it's important to make certain lifestyle changes, and how to keep their recovery on track.

Group Counseling: Alcohol and drug treatment in Charleston often features group counseling. During these sessions, any number of individuals recovering from an addiction will meet with a therapist to discuss issues relevant to substance addiction and recovery. These peer group sessions are designed to be supportive and to allow individuals to contribute to the group in meaningful ways.

Long-Term Counseling: Addiction is a chronic disease, so it makes perfect sense that many individuals will engage in long-term counseling plans for support. Sometimes month-long rehab stays simply can't provide individuals with all the therapy they need. Long-term counseling is a good solution for these people.

Types of Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Charleston

The number of facilities that offer Drug Rehab in Charleston SC may feature a wide array of therapies designed to treat the multiple aspects of addiction. Many of the city's rehabs offer conventional treatments like individual and group counseling sessions, but increasing numbers also offer some alternative treatment plans like SMART Recovery and art therapy. Conventional treatments are popular with people, but many find that alternative therapies generate positive results when it comes to recovery too. The types of drug and alcohol treatment you can expect to find in Charleston include:

  • Counseling
  • Short-term treatment
  • Long-term treatment
  • Medical Detox
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Family therapy
  • Alternative treatments
  • Holistic living therapies/treatments
  • Sober living facilities
  • Relapse prevention
  • 12-step programs

When you enter drug and alcohol rehab in Charleston, you can get help selecting a course of treatment that's ideal for your needs. You can also rely on our service to help you locate a program in the Charleston area that's best for your needs and budget.

Is Treatment for Substance Addiction Right for You?

If you are living with an addiction to any type of drug or alcohol, you need treatment. Addiction does not spontaneously improve. Without treatment, there is every reason to suspect the condition will worsen. In cities throughout the nation, overdose rates and deaths related to substance addiction are climbing.

People suffering from addiction cannot control their compulsions when it comes to drinking or drug use. Addiction sufferers often exhibit signs and symptoms. If you have experienced any of these, you should visit a drug rehab in Charleston to discuss them:

  • Experiencing work or school problems related to drinking or drug use
  • Experience relationship problems because of drinking or drug use
  • Feeling disinterested in activities formerly enjoyed
  • Attempting to stop using drugs or alcohol and failing--with each attempt
  • Feeling cravings for alcohol or drugs
  • Lying about drug or alcohol use
  • Drinking or using drugs to alleviate negative emotions
  • Engaging in high-risk behaviors
  • Suffering withdrawal symptoms

If you have experienced these signs and symptoms of a drug abuse disorder, you should visit an addiction rehab in Charleston to be professionally assessed--and helped. Don't wait for addiction to worsen. Substance addiction can wreck your life and health. The sooner you enter a treatment program, the more quickly you can end your cycle of abuse.

How Does Addiction Develop?

When a person develops a tolerance to a drug or alcohol and increases the amount they take, they are on the path to developing a dependency to that substance. Anyone may develop an addiction, but some individuals are more vulnerable because of their risk factors. For instance, risk factors associated with substance addiction include genetics, the presence of a mental disorder, poverty, experiencing a mental trauma, or growing up in a home where drugs or alcohol were abused.

Some people develop an addiction to a substance quickly. Extremely powerful drugs like heroin can lead to an addiction quickly. Some people may not develop an addiction for years even though they have established a pattern of abuse. Abusing a substance regularly, however, can pave the way to addiction.

How Do I Manage My Substance Addiction?

Entering a drug rehab in Charleston is your first step to successful disease management. In order to manage this disease, it's essential to obtain therapy that addresses each of its aspects. Yes, the physical dependency must be dealt with, but the psychological and lifestyle aspects must also be examined and managed if recovery is to occur.

In many cases, addiction specialists may recommend medication to reduce cravings for a drug. Frequently, behavioral or lifestyle changes have to be made in order to foster recovery. This often involves leaving behind unhealthy social circles and avoiding places where drugs or alcohol are known to be present. Some people will need to end toxic relationships that negatively impact their addiction and the ability to manage it.

Finally, individuals will need to seek out therapy that helps them adopt strategies for coping with a life free from drugs or alcohol. Counseling and other forms of therapy address the powerful psychological aspects of substance addiction. By addressing each aspect of the disease, people can achieve and maintain a healthy and sober lifestyle. Many of the centers that offer Drug Rehab in Charleston SC understands the importance of counseling when it comes to addiction recovery.

What Is Withdrawal?

When the addictive substances are withheld from the body, withdrawal symptoms can occur. A person who is physically dependent on a drug or alcohol will experience withdrawal, but symptoms may be mild or severe. Much depends on the drug in question, the length of the time the person has been addicted, and their personal chemistry. Withdrawal symptoms often peak between 24 and 72 hours, but they may last for a few weeks. Addiction treatment centers in Charleston can help addiction sufferers by providing them with medication to reduce the severity of their symptoms.

Some common types of withdrawal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, insomnia, and sweating. Many people experience mental disturbances like anxiety or depression. People withdrawing from alcohol may experience delirium tremens; a condition that involves disorientation, tremors, and hallucinations. People experiencing withdrawal symptoms should get medical attention as some can prove so severe that they trigger health complications.

What Are Some Substances of Addiction in Charleston?

Charleston is like many cities in the U.S. It is struggling with the opioid epidemic as well as many other substances of abuse. Commonly abused drugs include heroin, opioid painkillers, cocaine, meth, MDMA, and alcohol. News headlines have also reported on substances of abuse like bath salts, PCP, and prescription stimulants. If you abuse any of these or other substances, you can visit a Charleston drug treatment center to get help managing your condition.

How Do I Choose a Drug Rehab in Charleston?

Charleston boasts many options when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Even so, many individuals struggle to make a choice. When considering what rehab to enter, it's helpful to consider certain criteria. Before making a choice, be sure to weigh the following considerations:

Cost: There are luxury and budget-friendly rehabs in and around Charleston. When you consider the cost of treatment, be sure to find out what types of payments and insurance plans are accepted. Does the center accept Medicare or Medicaid? Is there a sliding scale for payment? Can the treatment be financed at the center?

Types of Treatment: Different rehabs offer different types of treatment options. Some base their therapy on 12-step models. Others may rely heavily on holistic or alternative treatments. You'll need to decide what type of therapy and treatment plans are ideal for you.

Amenities: Again, rehabs vary when it comes to the amenities they offer. Some facilities are more like resorts. Others are decidedly clinical in their approach to care. You should find out what amenities each rehab offers. Some feature gyms and pools. Others might offer recreational classes or feature chef-prepared meals. Are private rooms available? These are questions you'll want to ask before you choose a treatment center.

Many rehabs will be happy to address your questions. You can visit a center listed on our site to obtain information that can help you make a decision about where to check in for treatment. You can also find out more information about addiction treatment rehabs in Charleston by contacting our helpful service.

Traditional or Alternative Treatments?

Conventional treatment for addiction typically involves medical detox and various forms of counseling. This type of traditional treatment plan is evidence-based and has been proven to be effective in the treatment of addiction. That said, conventional therapy may not be ideal for everyone. Some people are responding better to alternative therapies like art therapy or equine therapy. There is a growing body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that many alternative therapies are also effective for the treatment of addiction.

As you consider your options, you might want to look for a Charleston rehab that offers convention therapy and some alternative treatment options. Many centers are also including holistic activities in their structured programs too. Each of these program and treatment types can support healing and recovery. Sometimes it comes down to preference. Sometimes a certain therapy like art therapy, for example, is ideal for someone suffering from a certain type of condition like post-traumatic stress syndrome in conjunction with an addiction. As you check out various facilities, you can explore their treatment offerings in order to determine which appeals to you.

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention is a cornerstone of most treatment programs today. The goal of rehab is to help people achieve and maintain sobriety. Getting clean in medical detox isn't enough. People must develop strategies for preventing relapse or they are likely to begin their cycle of abuse again. Relapse is a common occurrence. Relapse rates are extremely high in association with many types of substances like alcohol, heroin, and meth. If a person relapses, they generally need more treatment--more time in therapy.

During treatment, addiction sufferers will about the stages of relapse. Phases of relapse occur before the person takes a drink or uses a drug. The first stage of relapse is the emotional phase. Experiencing negative emotions like anger or sadness and finding it hard to control or cope with them can trigger the beginnings of relapse. If these triggers aren't effectively managed, the second phase of relapse can occur--the mental phase. During this stage, the individual begins to think about visiting places where drugs or alcohol will likely be found. They might fantasize about taking these substances again. The final stage is the physical stage. At this point, the person uses a drug or alcohol again.

Treatment centers in Charleston work with clients to develop personal strategies for coping with the different triggers for relapse. Many treatment centers provide individuals with resources so that if they feel vulnerable to relapse, they can reach out for help. Even if a relapse occurs, recovery can continue. The key is to continue treatment and continue with every attempt to manage the condition.


Too often, a short-term addiction treatment program isn't long enough to satisfy the needs of many individuals. That's where aftercare comes into play. Many people transition from intensive inpatient or outpatient treatment to an aftercare program. Aftercare picks up where treatment leaves off. Individuals may continue to meet with a therapist one on one or with a support group in order to get on-going help during the early months of their recovery. Some people continue aftercare for a year, two years, or even indefinitely.

Many addiction rehabs in Charleston offer different types of aftercare programs. When considering the right aftercare for you, you might want to talk to your therapist or an addiction specialist at your rehab. Popular options include 12-step programs, group therapy, restorative yoga, and family therapy. By getting on-going support, you can more easily maintain your sobriety.

Sober Living Community

A sober living community or facility is a place of residence where people recovering from substance addiction can live temporarily for several months or even a year or longer. These places are designed to be free from drugs and alcohol. Many people aren't mentally ready to return to their former homes and lives after departing from rehab. Sometimes their homes are highly dysfunctional. Sometimes people just want the extra support that living in a sober living facility can provide.  

Many sober living communities in Charleston feature programming related to the recovery process. They might offer on-site counseling, meeting space for support groups, educational classes and workshops, and fun social activities. People live independently in these communities, but the support is there at the same time if they need it. The first year of sobriety can be challenging for many individuals. Having plenty of support can make a big difference in their recovery journey.

Holistic Living

It's common for many of the facilities that offer Drug Rehab in Charleston SC to offer holistic living activities features. Many people arrive at rehab poorly nourished or suffering physically. Holistic living can build people back up. Rehabs today will focus on nutrition and fitness. When people exercise and eat right, they tend to feel better. Holistic living activities help provide daily structure and teach people about healthy living. The goal is for people to embrace these activities and carry them back into their lives to enhance their long-term recovery process.

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

If you are suffering from substance addiction and a mental disorder, you have what is known as a dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis is common. As many as one-third of all addiction sufferers have it. Some common mental disorders associated with addiction include anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsion disorder, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and bipolar disorder.

A dual diagnosis is serious. Managing either the mental condition or the addiction is serious enough. Together, these conditions can make a person quite debilitated. Medical researchers have determined that the best way to treat concurrent disorders is with simultaneous treatments. When dual diagnosis sufferers enter rehab, they will now be treated for both conditions.

Sometimes the mental disorder is temporary. Some mental disorders are lifelong. Healthcare providers will determine a course of treatment for each person based on their needs and diagnoses. Without treatment, both conditions can worsen. Even though they are separate health conditions, they can negatively impact one another during the course of their progression. Treatment is essential for managing both.

How Can I Afford Addiction Treatment?

It's true that not everyone can afford to obtain treatment at a luxury facility. However, it's important to remember that there are budget-friendly rehabs. Many do accept Medicaid and Medicare or feature sliding pay scales based on a person's income. Some facilities feature staff who can help you apply for medical insurance or grants. Your health clinic may be able to refer you to a rehab that accepts your insurance plan. This directory can help you find an affordable Drug Rehab in Charleston SC near you.

Family Therapy

In many cases, families suffer tremendously when a loved one is afflicted with addiction. While most treatments are designed for the addiction sufferer, family therapy is for the whole family unit. During therapy, families can get answers to their questions about addiction. They will learn what types of support are healthy and which are enabling. They will learn how to identify signs of relapse in order to help their loved one maintain their recovery journey. Family therapy is also about healing. Relationships can suffer under the weight of addiction. Therapists can help everyone involved cope with issues related to what has occurred within the family.


Sometimes people know well that it's time to reach out for help at a Drug Rehab in Charleston SC. Unfortunately, many addiction sufferers don't realize how serious their problem is. They may think they can control themselves. They may not want to stop using drugs or alcohol or being in a social scene where these substances are abused. Sometimes it takes family and close friends to point out the harm that substance abuse is causing. In such cases, staging an intervention could be the key to getting that individual to accept that they have a serious problem and that they need help.

An intervention is a form of confrontation. This directory of centers that offer Drug Rehab in Charleston SC can help you locate the ideal facility for your intervention as well as your recovery. There are different models that families can employ. They can invite a trained interventionist to host and manage the confrontation. They can meet formally or informally with their loved one. The goal of an intervention isn't to vent anger or frustration; it's to convince the individual that they should enter rehab to get treatment. Often, interventions work. Sometimes they don't. If an individual refuses to enter treatment, families can still learn about addiction and how to effectively support their loved one. At some point, they may be willing to get help.

Addiction Treatment Is Essential

Drugs and alcohol can cause profoundly serious changes in the body and the brain. They will cause health to deteriorate. An acute episode of abuse can trigger a health emergency like blood poisoning or overdose. Chronic abuse of drugs or alcohol can cause organ damage and failure, cirrhosis, some forms of cancer, heart disease, stroke, dental problems, infections, and more. When people abuse these substances, they may also engage in high-risk behaviors like needle sharing or driving while under the influence. It's common for people who are high or drunk to fall or injure themselves in some way too.

To prevent health problems and emergencies, it's vital to seek out treatment. Addiction is likely to worsen without treatment at a quality rehab. Don't wait for an emergency to occur before you finally accept that there is a problem at hand. Get help before you reach rock bottom.

Enter Treatment Now

If you are addicted to alcohol, a prescription drug like Adderall or Xanax, or an illicit drug like heroin or crack cocaine, don't continue the cycle of abuse when help is right here in Charleston. There are treatment options that can help you manage your addiction. Entering a Charleston addiction rehab is the first step to lasting sobriety. Don't let cost be a barrier to your health. There are options for people who are financially struggling. Don't let anything prevent you from safeguarding your health. The sooner you enter treatment, the sooner you can protect your body and mind from the terrible effects of drug and alcohol abuse. In short, visit a rehab today. Get your questions answered, and get the treatment you need to get well at a Drug Rehab in Charleston SC. Use this directory to help guide you toward the right drug rehab in Charleston for you.

Upcoming Charleston AA & NA Meetings:

Meeting Day & Time Location
AA DayStarters Wed, 7:30 AM St. Lukes Episcopal Church 50 Pope Ave, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
NA Public Safety Annex Thu, 8:00 PM No Matter What Group Discussion/Participation 505 Magnolia Street, Guyton, GA 31312
AA Daystarters Mon, 7:30 AM St Lukes Episcopal Church 50 Pope Avenue, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
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